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Monday, Feb. 17: Due to weather conditions, Stone Zoo will open at 11am. Franklin Park Zoo will open at 9am as scheduled. Thank you!

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Arts & Crafts

Paper Plate Turtle Craft

Come on out of your shells and get ready to create a paper plate turtle craft with us! Scroll down for materials, steps, and to learn more about these remarkable reptiles. 



  • Paper plate
  • Green construction paper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Marker


  • Step 1: Flip a paper plate upside down.
  • Step 2: Cut out several green squares and glue the squares to the flat part of the plate to make the turtle’s shell.
  • Step 3: Cut out a head, legs, and tail to add to the paper plate.
  • Step 4: Use a marker to add eyes to your turtle.
  • Step 5: Get creative! Add unique features, colors or textures to your turtle.

turtleRemarkable reptiles

Turtles have roamed the earth for over 200 million years, but today, turtles and tortoises are among the world’s most endangered vertebrates. More than half their 300+ species are threatened with extinction.

What’s causing this decline? Turtles are overhunted for food and medicine or sold as pets. Climate change and habitat loss are also causing turtle populations to suffer.

How are turtles important?

Turtles play a big role in their ecosystem. They can be both predator and prey, which helps provide balance in their food chain. As scavengers, many turtles eat up the dead fish from lakes and rivers, which helps keep our waterways clean. Some turtles dig burrows, which provide shelter for other creatures. Turtles also act as seed dispersers. After eating plants, turtles poop out the seeds throughout their environment, and new plants grow from those seeds!

gwcHow can you help?

There are lots of ways to save turtles! Spend a day with your friends at a local pond cleaning the area and removing trash. Even turtles need to live in clean, safe environments! Try to reduce your plastic consumption by using reusable water bottles and tote bags. Instead of shell-ebrating with balloons that may end up in a turtle’s home, use bubbles or paper decorations for a party. By making small changes, you can make a big difference!

Learn more about how kids like you are working with Zoo New England to save turtles right here in New England. 


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